Here's a great visual as a reminder of how important attendance is for students. #AllinKY

We are excited to be back from fall break and ready to "Do the Work!" Attendance is key to becoming a productive and successful citizen!

All Muhlenberg County Schools will be closed October 7-11 for fall break. We hope everyone enjoys the week!

MCHS students in the Fish and Wildlife Management Class had the opportunity today to become legally certified in hunter education. The Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources along with Kentucky State Police and the 4-H Shooting Club volunteered their time to offer the training. State 4-H Shooting Instructor and Coach Wade Walters shared how students had the choice to learn what's safe and what's not when sports shooting or hunting.

Several staff members and students across the district wore pink today in honor of Kinslee. Here are some employees at our Central Office and Transportation. The district wishes Kinslee well!

Good morning! Due to heavy wind gusts moving into our area later today, Muhlenberg County Schools will be dismissing two hours early this afternoon. Our elementary schools will be closing at 12:35 PM with our middle and high school closing at 1:45 PM. All extracurricular activities are canceled for this evening.

Check out our Gifted and Talented Newsletter for September...

Yesterday Ron and Lisa Poole dropped off a check for $755 benefiting the Muhlenberg County Cross Country team. Each year Ron, Lisa and their staff spend countless hours planning and funding for the Couch to 5K Run held in May. The proceeds of that race are then donated. They are great supporters of our students and athletes for our county. Thank you, Ron and Lisa Poole, for your continued support to Muhlenberg County Schools.

The Board of Education recognized students who were selected and attended the Governor's Scholar Program, Governor's School for the Arts, Governor's School for Entrepreneurs, and the Commonwealth Honors Academy at last night's board meeting. Congratulations to each of the following:
Governor's Scholar Program-Isaiah Ball, Carter Casebier, Quinn Fleming, Sarah Miller, Addison Tudor, Addyson Walker, and Jacob Whitehouse
Governor's School for the Arts-Sara Jo Armstrong (absent from photo) and Taylor Dukes
Governor's School for Entrepreneurs-Molly Miller
Commonwealth Honors Academy-Jackson Jones

Muhlenberg County Schools hosted instructional leaders from Meade County. School and district administrators spent the day observing great instruction and active student engagement.

Longest Elementary School hosted a Grilling with Grands event yesterday evening. Families enjoyed a grilled burger or hot dog meal in the cafeteria. Staff members provided educational games in the foyer of the school and all were invited to the book fair in the library.

Bremen Elementary hosted a Patriot Day assembly yesterday afternoon and students were able to personally thank a variety of local first responders through cards and homemade drawings.

Greenville Elementary has been welcoming grown ups to their Donuts with Grown-Ups this week. Here are a few smiles caught on camera with many more pictures on Greenville Elementary's page...

Central City Elementary welcomed grown ups to their "Bring Your Favorite Grown Up to the Book Fair" this morning. Here are a few smiles caught on camera...

This Thursday, September 12, is high attendance day across the state. The significance of regular attendance can’t be overstated. Research highlights that missing just 10 percent of school—equivalent to one or two days every few weeks—can hinder reading development, even in kindergarten. By the time students reach sixth grade, persistent absenteeism may signal a higher risk of dropping out of high school.

A big THANK YOU goes out to Kentucky Farm Bureau, Muhlenberg County Sheriff's Department, Champions, and Farmers Bank who together donated 1,200 water bottles to the high school.

All Muhlenberg County Schools will be closed Monday, September 2, in observance of Labor Day. We hope everyone enjoys a long weekend!

It's back to school we go! Here are some tips on what to do when your child is sick...

At this month's board meeting, SOAR recognized top readers who participated in the Books 'n Cream program throughout the summer. Avika Moore and her family placed 1st with reading 300 books followed by the Colburn family who placed 2nd with reading 251 books throughout the summer. Not pictured were 3rd place Layla Christmas with 195 books read, 4th place winner Grace Dunn with 138 books read, and 5th place Grayson Cook with 122 books read. Congratulations!

The Ready for 12th Grade event was a huge success at Martin Hall last night. Over 100 seniors and their families attended this informative session hosted by Muhlenberg Achieves. Thank you to all who helped with this event.
If you were unable to attend, please reach out to Lisa Green with Muhlenberg Achieves at 270-977-9274.